Peter Soriano, Residency January to June 2004

Photos : Guillaume Blanc
Peter Soriano was born in Manila in 1959, and lives and works in New York. His work is regularly presented on both the American and French art scenes.
Peter Soriano's works are first and foremost mental projections, drawings which are then concretized in abstract objects created in resin, metal or wood. The details of some of his sculptures evoke specific objects: mechanical parts, toys or human forms, but the object as a whole, often brightly colored and rounded, remains indefinable.
His time at the Atelier Calder enabled him to perfect the artistic and technical design of new sculptures, now seeking to create different relationships between them. Some are linked to each other by straps, creating their own space and delimiting that of the viewer. Others incorporate a new creative process using computer-aided design to model objects in volume.
Peter Soriano's sculptures produced at Atelier Calder were exhibited at FRAC Auvergne in 2007, as part of a solo show.