Abraham Cruzvillegas, residency July to December 2005

Abraham Cruzvillegas was born in 1968. He lives and works in Mexico.
His work has been exhibited since 1987 in Germany, England, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Spain, France, and the United States. He participated in the 1994 Havana Biennial, the 2002 São Paulo Biennial, and the 2003 Venice Bienniale.
Abraham Cruzvillegas' sprawling works are put together using a profusion of ordinary and craftsman-made objects collected by the artist. This creates an assemblage of surprisingly disparate elements. It is above all their apparent complexity that from the first look evokes wonder and feelings of instability, of floating, even vertigo. In the measured and controlled space of museums, Abraham Cruzvillegas' work always gives the viewer a feeling of strangeness.
At the Atelier Calder, Abraham Cruzvillegas produced a new series of works and installations from objects found in Saché, the local region of the Atelier. His thought process also turns to the fabrication of objects. With this in mind, the artist produced his work Le Bastos, a sort of club or cudgel, made from several different materials, calling on the knowledge of several crafts, bakers, basket weavers, carpenters, and cabinet makers. The production of this work has been an opportunity to mark and pinpoint the perseverance of traditional crafts in the region of Saché.
The issue addressed in Abraham Cruzvillegas' work is the modes of exchange in the production of these objects in a rural environment concurrently with the dynamic commerce of urban environments.