Bill Jenkins, residency from mid-September to mid-December 2018
Abbas Akhavan, résidence de mi-janvier à mi-avril 2017

Bill Jenkins creates installations where light is at the heart of his work. Jenkins seems to capture this elusive material and guide it through complex devices made from very simple and easily accessible materials (tarpaulins, wood, Mylar film ...).
His perception of a site is close to that of Land Art, through the main use of the natural resources present on site (wood, water, sand, earth...).
Bill Jenkins considers that space and light are also the natural resources of an architecture or an exhibition space, whose spaces he will transfigure and totally invest through the presence of his installations, with their oversized structures, inspired for their size and shape by urban monumental infrastructures, (tunnels, sewer pipes or pipelines...).
In his installation developed in Saché, Bill Jenkins had completely integrated the architecture of the Atelier Calder, while concealing it with a veil. Thus the transparency and fluidity, which emanated from this installation, deliver moments of true visual poetry.
Born in 1981 in California, he lives and works in New York.