Jimmie Durham, residency January to June 2007

Born in 1940 in the United States, Jimmy Durham passed away in 2021.
His work can take different forms, sculptures, installations, videos, and performances. His work is regularly shown in international exhibitions, such as Documenta, the Venice Bienniale, the Whitney Biennial, the ICA of London, as well as regional contemporary art collections like the FRAC Champagne Ardennes Reims, and the Galerie Michel Rein in Paris.
For more then a dozen years, Jimmy Durham's work has concentrated on the relationship between architecture, the idea of monumentality, and national stories. His "anti-architectural" sculptures, performances and videos seek to liberate stone -the principal architectural material- from its metaphorical relationships, like monumentality, stability, and the temporal.
At the Atelier Calder, Jimmy Durham produced a work entitled "Labyrinth", including a series of new sculptures and installations highlighting one material: wood.
On a table are placed some twenty small personages sculpted by the artist. This grouping functions as a village where each inhabitant is presented associated with a metal object, as a sort of defining attribute.
Photos Guillaume Blanc