Marin Kazimir, Residency September 1990 to June 1991

Marin Kasimir was born in Munich in 1957. He lives and works in Brussels.
Marin Kasimir's work lies at the crossroads of a number of practices and themes, including architecture, photography, sculpture, landscape, urban planning, drawing, theater, film, painting and literature. These different media, and the cultural and technical history attached to them, are not used by Marin Kasimir for their own sake - although their plastic characteristics and materials are taken into account - but with the aim of proposing, among other things, a critique of "public space" through the staging of perception, insofar as this visual and corporeal perception of what surrounds us is constitutive of the social, political, aesthetic, cultural and economic contexts of human reality.
In this respect, Kasimir's work can certainly be compared with that of Dan Graham, Jeff Wall, Ludger Gerdes or Thomas Schütte. They open up to fields neglected by the majority of current artistic production - but which are no less fundamental - and which have sometimes been rightly described as utopian projects, in the original, positive sense of the term.
The exhibition at the École des Beaux-Arts can be seen as a complement to the public commission to be presented at the same time in Rennes. For, as has been his habit for several years, Marin. Kasimir deliberately mixes images taken during his travels across Europe with others taken in the host city, in this case Le Mans, during the summer. The resulting images - halfway between panoramic photography and cinema - are a rendering of certain parts of the city, bringing together different eras, but transposed into a single vision.
The École de Beaux-Arts exhibition also includes images shot at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, in Almere in the Netherlands, and in Brussels. In this way, different socio-political, economic and even aesthetic realities in their relationship to urban spaces are brought together in the same place, in order to metaphorically conjure up connections through images, but also to create links between images that must also be constituted as realities in their own right.
Photos: Jean-Luc Terradillos